Numipulator® Standalone Apps

The standalone browser apps listed and linked below were all produced using the Numipulator Standalone Maker from Numiplets (code) generated from Numipulator. The ones with an asterisk (*) are also built into Numipulator. Just tap on the name to open the app.

Alien Invasion*Similar to the 1970s Space Invaders game. Alien hordes move across the sky and descend, dropping bombs, which may destroy defensive barriers and your missile launchers. You have three missile launchers available, which you can use to shoot down the aliens or the occasional red spaceship that travels across the sky. You get points for each alien or spaceship destroyed.
Falling Shapes*Similar to Tetris. Try to move and rotate the falling shapes so that they form complete lines of blocks. Complete lines score points and disappear; incomplete lines beneath complete lines also disappear but don't score points.
Volcano*There is a volcano with a crater, and seismologists believe that eruption can be prevented by completely filling the crater, i.e. by plugging the volcano. You are in control of a flying craft designed to catch blocks being dropped from above, so that you gradually build up a plug that will fill the crater up to its rim, with no gaps. Once you have formed a plug of the right shape, you must then lower the plug into the crater and prevent the eruption. Remember that you will normally have to turn the plug upside down before lowering it into the crater once you have created it. Falling blocks that you fail to catch may fall into the crater and change its shape, so your plug shape will need to change. They may also penetrate the crater causing eruption. Volcano is an original game designed by David Wolstenholme.
Fun Runner*A runner is jogging along a track. The track has various mounds and water jumps to be negotiated. The keypad is used to perform different jumps to enable the runner to get safely over them. A demo mode can be used to show the runner completing the course, using predefined jumps, which may help you. Fun Runner is an original game designed by David Wolstenholme (who has not completed the course manually!).
Froggy*A frog with a long tongue is on the ground, while flies are buzzing around above. Shoot the tongue out to catch the flies. Froggy is an original game designed by David Wolstenholme.
Triple Jewels*Similar to Bejeweled. Swap two adjacent jewels to form one or more lines of three identical jewels. These disappear, to be replaced by more jewels from above. Score points for jewels removed.
Rummy 7*A 7-card version of the card game Rummy. Play the system (it's quite good), or play another player in Play 'n' Pass mode.
Yacht*Similar to Yahtzee. Throw five dice and try to score against different patterns. Up to 3 throws per turn, and you may hold selected dice for the next throw. For one to four players playing concurrently.
Blingo*Similar to Wordle or Lingo. Try to identify the hidden 5-letter word, by selecting missing letters. Letters are shown as either correct, right letter but wrong position, or incorrect. Includes an extensive dictionary.
ArticulationRelated to Articulate! This is a word game for 2-6 teams of two or more players. A challenge is presented to the person appointed Describer for the team. The Describer must describe or articulate the word or words presented so that the Guessers can identify the challenge correctly. A great Pass 'n' Play game to play around a table.
Code 4x6*A logic game similar to Mastermind. There is a hidden code of four pegs, each of which can take one of 6 colours. Try to deduce the hidden code by making guesses, which the system scores: you are told how many of your guesses are correct (right colour in the right position) and how many are the right colour but in the wrong position.
Emoji Pairs*A memory game. A 6x6 board contains 18 pairs of hidden emojis. Tap on one hidden emoji to display it, then another. If they are identical they remain displayed; if not, they are hidden again. Try to identify all 18 pairs making as few errors as you can (an error is where you show one emoji and then tap on another, incorrectly, where this second one has already been displayed.
Peg Solitaire*A classic puzzle, in which every hole in a board except the middle one contains a peg. One peg can jump over another, which removes the peg being jumped over. The objective is to end up with one peg in the middle hole.
4-in-a-line*Similar to Connect 4. A strategy game for two players, one with blue counters and one with green counters. Players take turns to drop a counter into a frame. Be the first to achieve a line of 4 counters of your colour.
Tricolor*A block-collapsing game. Tiles of 3 colours are placed randomly on a 10x10 board. These will naturally form clusters. Tap on a cluster to remove it. Any tiles above it will fall into the gaps. Try to achieve a goal, e.g. two of each colour on the bottom row, or just enjoy causing the tiles to collapse.
Word LadderA word puzzle in which you see one 4-letter word at the top of the ladder, one at the bottom, and you have to insert 4 words between them such that there is exactly one letter difference between each pair of adjacent words on the ladder. A list of over 1000 words is used to generate each new puzzle.
Hangman*A traditional letter and word game. Try to identify the hidden word.
Pentad*A word and letter game for one player. You must add randomly-selected letters onto a 5x5 board, with the objective of making 2- to 5-letter words in rows or columns. Bonuses for words that cross the central square and for 5-letter words. After laying all 25, you may swap two pairs of letters to try to improve your score. Note: no built-in dictionary.
Poker Pentad*Similar to Poker Square(s) - also called Poker Patience or Poker Solitaire - a game for one player. 25 cards are dealt from a standard 52-card pack, one at a time, and you must place these onto a 5x5 grid, aiming to score poker-style hands (flush, straight, full house, and so on) in rows and columns. Different hands score different points. There are bonuses for hands that cross the central square. After laying all 25, you may swap two pairs of cards to try to improve your score.
Memory Test*Some numerals from 1-9 are displayed on white tiles, all on a black background, together with some blank tiles. After a short time the numerals disappear. You then have to tap on the tiles to display the numerals in ascending order. A good test of memory, with different levels available. Apparently, chimpanzees can do this really quickly after training.
SudokuAssistant*Load a sudoku into the grid. Try to solve it. If you ask for help, the system will analyse the grid and show you which numbers can be entered at that stage in every unoccupied cell, which will help you to solve it.
MatchmakerThere is a 3X3 pattern in the bottom-left corner, which always has a yellow tile in the middle, and has some coloured tiles around this, generally with some blanks (grey tiles).There is a 3X3 object in the black area, with a yellow centre square and blank (grey) tiles around it. You can move your object around and rotate it using the keypad keys. Your objective is to make the pattern of your object the same as on the model by catching falling coloured tiles.
15 Puzzle*A version of the well-known manual puzzle where there are 15 tiles on a 4x4 grid, with one space. From a given starting position, looking jumbled up, you must slide the tiles around and try to restore the tiles so that they are in numerical order.
Small Red Ball*Various shapes are shown on the board. Spot where the small red ball is and tap on it before the screen changes to a new layout. You are told whether you got it or not, and shown where it was if you missed it. Try to maximize your score. Note: this is easy to program.
Red Peril*You have a blue object at the bottom of the screen. Red objects start to fall from the top. Your objective is to move your blue object to the top, using the keypad, without clashing with red objects. Note: this is easy to program.
Circle Burst*A colourful app, in which circles of various colours and diameters are added to the screen one at a time.
Letters and NumbersTwo games in one. With the Letters Game, you choose to show either a vowel or a consonant, which is then selected randomly and displayed. Once you have displayed 9 letters, you try to make the longest word you can from these letters. With the Numbers Game, you choose to show either a high number or a low number, 6 in total, and then try to achieve a randomly-generated target number using the four main arithmetic operators. Play by yourself or with friends, using pencil and paper.
Letters DiceA game like Boggle, in which 16 letter dice are shown in a 4x4 grid, and you have to find as many words as you can from these in a given time. The letters of the words must form chains of adjacent (horizontally, vertically or diagonally) letters in the grid. Play by yourself or with friends, using pen and paper and a timer.
Find That Mouse*A mouse is hidden somewhere below a 10x10 grid of tiles. Click on a tile to see whether it's there. If it is, you see it. If it's not, you're informed how far away you are from the mouse, so you have another try. However, the mouse can move one square at each turn horizontally or vertically. It's an original game, designed by David Wolstenholme, that can be irritating and frustrating.
Calendar*A calendar app that shows today's date in green. Move a month or year forwards or backwards using arrow keys.
Analogue Clock*A simple analogue clock display
Digital Clock*A simple digital clock display
Short RGB code colour finder*Numipulator incorporates a handy, possibly unique, set of cell formats that let the programmer specify 1000 colours using integer codes 1000-1999, where the general form is 1RGB. In this, the three RGB numerals represent the intensity of Red, Green and Blue light, where 0 repesents none, 1 represents 1/9 of full intensity, 2 represents 2/9 of full intensity, and so on up to 9/9, i.e. full intensity (fractions approximate). This app enables you to see the colours and the codes.
Symbol Finder*Numipulator lets you display Unicode characters/symbols/emojis in the Graphics Formatter. This app lets you see these codes and find out their decimal codes.